May 2021 be (even) better!
2020 won’t probably be remembered as a good year. COVID-19 has taken the world by surprise and has completely changed the “status quo” and the “normal” way of life has become a “new normal” way of doing business, working, and living our lives.
However this is not changing our way of looking at life, and understanding that it is all about the attitude one has and not about the circumstances, external, that happen to surround you. And our attitude is always trying to make the most out of every situation, including one dominated by COVID-19.
In this brief article we wanted to quickly go through the main achievements we have had during 2020 and what our biggest expectations are for 2021.
Main achievements in 2020
There are 3 major achievements we at Drupalera feel proud of when we look back to early January:
- We have significantly increased our Drupal business portfolio size. And not only that, but we have also managed to increase our clients’ satisfaction up to a level where we have created very successful long term trusting relationships through commitment, effort and transparency. There is nothing more valuable for us than a happy trusting client.
- We have contributed to our international business expansion, in line with our vision of diversifying our business beyond our home market’s border. We will finish 2020 with clients in quite a few countries in Europe and LATAM.
- We have been able to overcome the COVID-19 disruption both at a business and at an operational level. We have grown our Drupal business over the year by over 20% compared to 2019. And we have not only been able to incorporate teleworking as a normal practice company-wide since March 2020, but also introduced flexible working hours to facilitate work-life balance, especially important during the hardest moments of the pandemic-related restrictions.
We feel truly proud of these achievements, which haven’t happened by chance, but because of the joint effort and commitment of our Drupaleros and everyone else at Emergya. Thank you to all of you!
Expectations for 2021
We look at 2021 with optimism, where the beginning of the end of COVID-19 will start happening and the “new normal” will start resembling a lot more the “old normal”. We expect the current uncertainty to decrease over time and an important rebound of most sectors of the economy.
Under this scenario, we have three major expectations for 2021:
- Companies will continue to become more Digital: 2020 has lifted historical barriers for digital adoption and has pushed the world economy towards digitization. From Drupalera, we expect to be an active player in this context, helping companies’ businesses to improve through Drupal-based platforms. From our mother company, Emergya, we will complement our Drupal-based services portfolio with Artificial Intelligence solutions, which address business use cases at an unprecedented speed and scale. Intelligent Virtual Assistants and Product Recommenders are only a few examples of how we can improve our customers’ businesses.
- Sites will need to become more mobile-ready in order to stay relevant: Google has recently announced it will change their robots and algorithms to increase the relevance of mobile-optimized sites and content versus those that are not. From Drupalera, we are ready to help businesses with this transition to stay relevant.
- Learn from the past and be better tomorrow: We have learned a lot in 2020 and we have improved significantly the way we work. We believe we are better prepared for 2021 than one year ago: we are more agile, more motivated, more flexible, more focused. But there will always be room for improvement. We expect to continue winning and to continue learning towards our ambition of becoming “a well-known international Drupal and Innovation reference center”.
We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for our clients, Drupaleros, Emergyanos, partners… So to all of you, BIG THANK YOU for being there and contributing to spread Drupal to improve businesses.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!