Find out why the XML sitemap Drupal module is your favourite one

Find out why the XML sitemap Drupal module is your favourite one

If your website it’s been developed using Drupal, you should really take this post into account:

Getting our website to have a good search engine’s positioning depends on many factors, structural ones on the one hand - those directly related to our website development and its accurate code composition and structure - and, on the other hand, some other factors we could call contextual - those more dependant on Content and Digital Marketing Strategies -.

In this post we will focus on explaining how to correctly manage some of the most important technical and structural aspects in order to get a good SEO positioning for our Drupal CMS.

As Drupal expert developers, we all know when it comes to having an excellent company website it is not only imperative that its development is flawless, but also that our website meets all the necessary requirements so that users can both use it correctly and, moreover, get to hire our services…

However, sometimes we easily forget a much simpler step that comes just before the getting-visitors-to-hire-our-services one: The step directly related to get our target audience to easily reach and find our website! How come? Yes, that’s it. We usually tend to focus so much on our company website development being just perfect and its code not showing any bugs and also supporting huge traffic volumes, among other aspects, that we sometimes overlook that we first must get our potential customers to find us in order for them to accomplish our business expectations!

So, how do we get more and more customers for our Drupal developed website? The answer is quite simple: starting with a good SEO positioning or, even more, starting with the design and implementation of a good SEO strategy.

Once we have come to this straight conclusion, it is now time to introduce you to your new preferred Drupal module: The XML Sitemap module.

And why should XML Sitemap module be your favourite Drupal module then?

Well, that’s quite easy: mainly because this module generates a sitemap.xml which immediately meets all the SEO standards of specifications, which will thus help the different search engines - Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. - to correctly crawl and index both your website structure and content and hence it will not only improve the positions of your Drupal website in the search engines results, but also get more and more users to access to it.

But getting the search engines to correctly index your website is not just about generating a sitemap - it would be very easy then, wouldn’t it? - , but also about uploading it to the search engines - among other things we will discuss further on - . If this sitemap upload was to get done in the traditional way, we would on the one hand generate the sitemap.xml and, on the other, we would upload it to the search engines webmaster consoles so they could index our website properly. Instead, thanks to the Drupal XML Sitemap module, you can generate your sitemap and upload it to the different search engines developers consoles just by using a single tool: the Drupal XML Sitemap Module.

In addition to that, this module also comes with several submodules which help us adding  other links which relevant to SEO directly to our Sitemap, such as content, menu items, taxonomy terms and user profiles.

Isn’t all that just great?

In short, if you choose to install the XML Sitemap module in your Drupal portal, you will be closer and closer to your client.

And was it not just the main reason why you decided to develop a Drupal website in the first place? Isn’t getting closer to your clients your main business purpose? ;)

Take a look at José A. Rodríguez Carvajal slides about XML Sitemap Module