Enabling context in a panel plugin 17/02/2016 Leandro Luvigne Backend Developer In Drupal 7: /** * Plugin definition. */ $plugin = array( 'title' => t('TITLE'), 'category' => t('CATEGORY'), 'render callback' => 'callback_render_function', 'all contexts' => TRUE, // Enables the context of the panel );
Contexts Modifying weight blocks in context Pepe García How modify weight blocks in context, useful when two contexts execute in the same route. Read article Modifying weight blocks in context La Drupalera José García García
Others Problem installing composer on ubuntu with php versions Cristo Perera Rincón The problem I raise is due to duality of php (cli), which means several versions of php are installed in our computer. Read article Problem installing composer on ubuntu with php versions La Drupalera cperera
Others Enable/Disable the administrator interface in specific paths Pepe García In the following code, the implementation of hook_admin_paths_alter() is shown to exclude or add the paths that we consider necessary or unnecessary to show with the administrative theme. Read article Enable/Disable the administrator interface in specific paths La Drupalera José García García