Getting the complete route of a file 15/02/2016 Juan Jesús Trigo Drupal/PHP Senior developer In Drupal 7: // Load data file from fid. $file = file_load($fid); // Create external url from uri. $external_url = file_create_url($file->uri);
Others How to programmatically apply an image style in Drupal Antonio Jesús Mantis Benítez The objective of this snippet is to enable you to render an image with code using a Drupal image style. Read article How to programmatically apply an image style in Drupal La Drupalera ajmantis
Users How to hide the user account tabs Juan Jesús Trigo How to hide an application and register of a new password in the login form. Read article How to hide the user account tabs La Drupalera jjtrigo
Forms Hiding the CKEditor Diego Marrufo Rodríguez This snippet disables the rich text in Drupal 7 for all the fields of type text or large text. Additionally, it disables the CKEditor toolbar like the selection of the text format Read article Hiding the CKEditor La Drupalera dimaro