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Drupal Senior Frontend Developer

Ingeniera Informática en Sistemas de información

Estefanía López's posts

Module Tuesday: Twig Tweak

Module Tuesday: Twig Tweak

Estefanía López
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need a specific HTML structure and to fulfill that structure you need to render blocks, entities, menus... inside that structure? And you couldn't create the structure from the Drupal Twig templates? Here is the solution. I will explain the problem I had a few months ago. I had to create a screen in which I had to display a view with a list of elements and I also had to display a menu. Let me show you the structure that the page should have.
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CKEditor Templates

CKEditor templates

Estefanía López
Have you ever found yourself wanting to get more out of your HTML editor? Do you want to reuse designs from the rest of your web pages? Well, if that is the case, stay and read on. Introduction The drupal core comes with one of the best open source text editors: CKeditor. This text editor allows us to write good content with different options. However, sometimes, the functionalities of this HTML editor are not enough for the user.
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